Nanoparticles – a boon to environmental remediation

Nanoparticles - a boon to environmental remediation

Saranya Naveen Kumar

Today environmental pollution has become a major issue for the society. New technologies are persistently explore the remediation of contaminants of the air, water, and soil.

Current studies states that Nanocarriers for the environmental remedial measures with optimizes physiochemical and biological properties. Due to the unique physical properties of nanoscale materials made more attention towards nanotechnology in the past decades which in turn enhance its reactivity and effectiveness. Based on its unique surface chemistry which shows more specific towards its target molecules for efficient remediation.

For the subtle detection of various pollutants such as heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, and polyaromatic hydrocarbons in environmental samples, these nanoparticles-based sensor platforms and lab-on-a-chip platforms can be employed with success rate. These pioneering methodologies exhibit unique features such as great sensitivity, specificity, rapidity, and cost-effectiveness.